Faria K.
Junior, BS in Mechanical Engineering; Concentration in Design
An IQP is often called life-changing by WPI students, requiring teams to delve into a problem that matters to real people.


Faria and the other two members of her team assessed vulnerabilities and emergency power capabilities in wastewater sectors in Massachusetts. Through data collection and interviews, the team created a pamphlet and map prototype of vulnerable facilities to help their sponsor, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), determine the facilities that require the most assistance and decrease the amount of untreated water released into the environment during a power outage.


Having grown up right outside of Boston, it was especially rewarding for Faria to see the impact she was bringing to her hometown. She also appreciated the opportunity to apply her knowledge to real-world problems throughout her project work.

She and her teammates had a shared passion for their project, which was evident through their collaboration, and strong connections throughout the experience, something Faria says she valued and hopes to continue in the future.

Preview Faria Kader
Allston, MA
  • Knowing how hard I can push myself to do the best I can in order to succeed in my courses.
  • Establishing new, valuable connections through friends and professors.
  • Working at a company to solve problems in the local community.
Allston, MA
  • Knowing how hard I can push myself to do the best I can in order to succeed in my courses.
  • Establishing new, valuable connections through friends and professors.

Typical workweek schedule: Boston

Timeline Entry
6:30 AM

Wake up and get ready to head to Union Station.

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7:45 AM

Take the express train to Boston.

9:30 AM

Arrive and sign in at the MassDEP office.

10:30 AM

Meet with sponsors to discuss current progress on the project.

12:00 PM

Have lunch with the team at the food court below the MassDEP office.

Typical weekend schedule

Timeline Entry
9:00 AM

Wake up and make breakfast.

10:30 AM

Arrive on campus, meet up with teammates, and work on final paper.

1:00 PM

Head to the dining hall for lunch.

2:30 PM

After discussing the importance of having a pet, take a break at the Worcester Animal Shelter to play with kittens.

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4:00 PM

Return to campus and continue working on paper.

Participating in a waste water treatment plant tour as part of the project field work

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WPI's project-based curriculum has shown me that I really appreciate getting to work on projects because I get to use my knowledge learned in class to apply it to real-world problems. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote